How to potty train a puppy. Also learn about puppy potty training in an apartment
What is the best way to potty train a puppy?? How long does it take to potty train a puppy? What is an ideal puppy potty training schedule? Bet these are all questions you’ve asked yourself when you first got a new puppy. However, have you ever thought about how different potty training dogs or puppies could look if you live in an apartment without a backyard or much outdoor space altogether? Many puppy potty training tips you’ve read about can’t be applied to high rise apartments, right? Not to worry, here are some essential tips that would help you tremendously with potty training your puppy when you live in an apartment!
Puppy potty training basics: Let’s Review!
Before we get into puppy potty training in an apartment, let’s make sure you know all the basics of potty training dogs and puppies left and right, inside and out.
- First, a good rule of thumb to note is that your pup can hold their bladder for an extra hour for every month old they are. Also, your puppy can usually hold their bladder for longer when they’re asleep; however, the second they wake up and after they finish eating or playing, they’ll need to go very soon!
- Supervising your pup in order to prevent any accidents and keep them out of trouble until they’re old enough is super important. When you are unable to supervise, crate training is a viable option. Crates are supposed to make your pup cozy and give them just enough room for small movements such as standing up and turning around.
- Be sure to reward your pup for going into the crate and DO NOT punish him for having accidents AKA if he wets the floor. Your yelling and upset mood could induce sneaky behavior from your puppy, and even more accidents. Oh no! Accidents are bound to happen, you just need to simply clean up and move on.
- Be on the lookout for increased sniffing and circling and sudden running to another corner of the room. Those are some telltale signs that your pup may need to go potty, so making note of those signs and taking necessary action will undoubtedly prevent an accident from happening.
Here are some extra tips on how to house train a puppy in an apartment: How long does it take to potty train a puppy when I live in an apartment and cannot get him outside quickly enough?
Luckily, it won’t take long if you follow these puppy potty training tips! Also, it all depends on different puppies’ and dogs’ stages of development. Remember the rule of thumb? Proper adherence to these tips will make your life and your puppy’s life easier.
- Ever learn how to potty train a puppy on pads? Well, now you will! Pads are great because they’re easy to move around, pick up, and take with you when you’re on the go. All you need to do is place the pad ideally near the door. This will be really beneficial as your puppy starts getting older as he will naturally head towards the door when he needs to go out. If you see your puppy beginning to eliminate inside, quickly pick him up and move him onto the pad.
- Come up with a puppy potty training schedule: While you may have gotten so comfortable with potty training with pads that you want to keep the pads around and don’t want to go out, having a puppy potty training schedule will be beneficial for both you and your pup, instilling consistent habits at a young age. When you have a young pup, try to take them out as much as possible. Some ideal times include in the morning when they first wake up, after breakfast before you have to head out, at lunchtime, after you finish work, after dinner, and before bed. It’s up to you to decide what works best for your schedule. As your puppy gets older, you can slowly decrease the trips outside.
Congratulations! You now know how to house train a puppy. It may initially feel energy draining and it does take some getting used to, but if you follow these puppy potty training tips with a little patience and consistency, you’ll realize that a majority of the same rules apply for puppy potty training in an apartment as puppy potty training anywhere else!
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