Dog training videos and puppy training videos that feel like TikTok challenges!
The thing about dog training and puppy training is that practice makes perfect! And even after a trick or behavior is learned, practice is still needed so that your doggo can keep it up. Our team at Pawsitive invites you to complete these 7 free video challenges we created. If you feel that these challenges helped you with training up your doggo, feel free to challenge friends and family as well!
Crate training challenge: Are you properly setting up your puppy’s crate to encourage the right behaviors?
The playdate challenge: Is your dog playing or are they being bullied?
Dog meetup challenge: Does that dog you meet in the park really want to be petted?
Chitchat challenge: Teaching your doggo new words to learn and use.
Hiking challenge: Getting some extra exercise during the weekends with your doggo.
Confessions of a dog parent: What’s something you did that you shouldn’t have done?
End of life care: When do you know that it’s time to let go?
Want to learn more about dog care and dog nutrition?
Check out Pawsitive app to actually put theory into practice and start applying all this knowledge. The Pawsitive app helps dog parents raise happy, healthy dogs by providing community and professional support. We connect you to other dog parents and professionals. We are building a supportive dog parent community and we are better than dog social media! Stay accountable for completing wellness milestones with your dog and other dog parents, dog moms, and dog dads.