Do not feed your dog these… a list of food dogs cannot eat.
At this point, we are all probably aware that not all human food is safe for dogs to eat. Not all healthy human snacks make for healthy dog treats. Based on each individual dog’s nutrition needs and their health condition, there are just some fruits, vegetables, or treats they cannot eat. Here are 3 foods that you should avoid feeding your doggo:
Why can’t dogs eat chocolate?
For the most part, we hoomans can all agree that chocolate is objectively delicious. However, dogs ABSOLUTELY CANNOT and should never eat chocolate. Chocolate contains toxic substances called methylxanthines, which, when even taken in small amounts, can mess with your doggo’s metabolism or cause diarrhea and vomiting. Large amounts of chocolate can cause seizures, heart failure, and even death!
GRAPES?! But aren’t they supposed to be a healthy fruit? Why can’t dogs eat grapes?
Yes, grapes are indeed a healthy snack for humans, but no, dogs cannot eat them. Grapes are toxic for all dogs, regardless of the dog breed, sex, or if they are puppies or senior dogs. Grapes are even toxic to the point that they can lead to sudden acute kidney disease or failure. VERY DANGEROUS!
Onions? But they add flavor to my food and are low calorie…
Maybe…but they are dangerous to dogs, especially those with sensitive stomachs. Eating onions can cause your dog’s red blood cells to rupture, and can also cause vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and nausea.
Dogs can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables you eat, but remember that chocolate, grapes, and onions are foods that your dog cannot eat under any circumstances. Stick with fruits, vegetables, and healthy treats safe for them to eat, and of course, dog foods your vet recommends based on their nutrition needs.
Want to learn more about dog training, dog behavior and dog nutrition?
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